Toppan FutureCard Is Now Toppan Gravity
3 May 2024
Toppan FutureCard and Fintech Start-Up SimpliFi Collaborate to Enable Fast and Flexible Card Issuance
3 May 2024

3 May 2024

Toppan IDGate Achieved Fido’s Core Certifications For Its Passwordless Authentication Solutions

Together with their NIST-ranked facial recognition technologies, TOPPAN iDGate is mastering both biometrics and security authentication techniques to provide a highly secure authentication and identity verification solution to banking customers. As of today, TOPPAN iDGate is expanding their footprints in the GCC market as well as Southeast Asia including Indonesia, and Malaysia.


ID’s carry vital and highly sensitive information, therefore Toppan Gravity equips its ID cards with a wide range of highly reliable security elements according to customer’s requirements. We provide human-readable features, machine readable technologies and authentication elements.