IDEX Biometrics and Toppan Gravity Launching Biometric Smart Cards in the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America
23 April 2024
Toppan Gravity Strengthens Latin American Foothold with Acquisition of Card Manufacturer Hogier Gartner 
23 April 2024

23 April 2024

Transforming Democracy with E-voting

Figure 1: Use e-voting around the world. *1

  • E-voting technology allows processes to be accelerated and data to be collected with greater accuracy. In populated countries like India, for example, e-voting speeds up the process as it eliminates the time required for ballot counting to declare election results. On top of that, voting results are less susceptible to human error.
  • In countries where corruption is prevalent and the use of spoiled paper ballots or double voting occurs, it becomes difficult to count authentic votes, which often leads to violence. E-voting reduces this problem by providing a more secure and traceable voting process.
  • With e-voting, people with disabilities can cast their votes easily and independently, protecting their right to anonymity by eliminating third parties voting on their behalf.
  • E-voting reduces logistics costs, saving not only money but also time and allowing governments to allocate their resources more efficiently. The traditional way of printing and distributing millions of ballots to polling stations in different cities can be resource-intensive and inconvenient.
  • E-voting increases accessibility for voters who are geographically distant from polling stations or living abroad and can potentially participate more easily through E-voting.
ID’s carry vital and highly sensitive information, therefore Toppan Gravity equips its ID cards with a wide range of highly reliable security elements according to customer’s requirements. We provide human-readable features, machine readable technologies and authentication elements.